My view on yesterday's Regional Homeless Authority Planning meeting
My friend Jerry and I drove down to the Convention Center yesterday to attend the Regional Homeless Authority planning meeting. If measured by number of people attending, it was a wonderful success. Here is a “360” video I took of from my seat (excuse my fingers!)
I saw many friends there - Julie Garcia, Ken Crary, Maurice Smith, Suzi Hokonson, Barry Barford, Becky Dickerhoof and the League of Women voters, and Major Ken of the Salvation Army.
Mayor Woodward was there, as was Lisa Brown - Lisa sat between Jerry and I, we were thrilled. I was able to shake hands with Mayor Woodward, and say hello.
On the stage was Gavin Cooley, Rick Romero, Theresa Sanders, and Sarah Schwering. An amazingly well done presentation. I think they used the word “wonky” several hundred times as they moved through very busy slides - and it was. But we could all see this was necessary. Getting the City of Spokane and the surrounding municipalities, including the County, to all agree to move to a regional approach as used in Houston - this can’t be done with a wave of the hand. There are many issues involving sovereignty, funding, and control that must be addressed.
The presentation slide deck can be viewed here, at the website, along with many other documents relating to this momentous venture.
Please - let your legislators hear from you!
I am convinced that this is the way we must go. The comparisons to Expo 74 and moon shots were apt. I am hoping all of you will review it and get behind it - and let your elected officials hear from you. I’m planning on contacting the Mayor’s office, my city council members, and my County Commissioner to let them know my support. Here’s my letter, feel free to write your own or copy and paste and add more comments - but I feel this message will be sufficient to let them know I support this. And they need to hear that.
Subject: I support the Regional Homeless Authority Plan
Dear (elected representative),
Just a brief note to let you know of my support for the Regional Homeless Authority that was presented yesterday at the Convention Center.
Spokane must try to get out in front of our current homeless crisis. I believe that centralizing our efforts via a regional approach will be key.
Thank you for your attention, feel free to contact me if you need to hear more.
Contact Information
Mayor Woodward
Unfortunately, there is no way to simply email the Mayor. You must go through the “Ask the Mayor” portal here.
Let’s do this, Spokane!